Understanding Actor Model for Node developer

Disclaimer: This is my personal learning experience with the Actor programming model.

How programming typically looks like#

If you ask any web developer which programming language(s) they use, most will likely say they write code in Javascript/Typescript, PHP, Python, Go, or Ruby.

This code snippet shows how you can write a script that validates URLs using NodeJS.

const urlChecker = (url) => {
      .then((res) => {
        if (res.status == 200) {
          console.log(`${url} is valid`)
      }).catch(() => { })

const urls = [

for (const url of urls) {

The code is simple and sweet. Basic programming 101, and this programming model works for most cases.

What is the Actor model#

I’m skipping the formal introduction of the Actor model, which relates to the mathematical model. If you’re interested in that, you can read its history on Wikipedia

Actor is a concurrency model where you write software that each small unit of your system runs independently and communicates by passing messages. This way, each tiny Actor can run on all cores concurrently.

NodeJS has a library called nact that help Node developer to build an Actor-based system in Node. Here’s an example of the same script as above but written in the Actor model in Node:

const { start, dispatch, spawnStateless, spawn } = require('nact');
const system = start();;

const spawnUrlChecker = (id) => spawnStateless(
  (msg, ctx) => {
    const url = msg.url

    console.log('validate URL', url)
      .then((res) => {
        if (res.status == 200) {
          dispatch(statefulUrls, { url: url })
      }).catch(() => { })


const statefulUrls = spawn(
  (state = {}, msg, ctx) => {
    let urls = []

    if (state.urls) {
      urls = [...state.urls, msg.url]
    } else {
      urls = [msg.url]

    return { ...state, urls: urls }

let count = 0

const urls = [

for (const url of urls) {
  count += 1
  const urlChecker = spawnUrlChecker(count)
  dispatch(urlChecker, { url: url })

Running this code sample, you’ll get almost similar results as before. But what’s the difference? In this code sample, you’re

  • Instantiate a System actor
  • For each URL, spawn a spawnUrlChecker actor.
    • It will run a fetch request on the URL
    • If the response is successful, dispatch/send a message to statefulUrls
  • statefulUrls Actor will keep the list of successful URLs in its state

When using the actor model, people tend to spawn many of them, like thousands or millions.


  • Let it crash. Since each process is isolated, it’s easy to just let that single process crash when there’s an issue with it and retry/ignore it. In contrast to typical programming paradigm, it’s not uncommon to see a runtime error crashing the whole application.
  • Avoid locking/coordination work between the processes. Since the processes are isolated, maintain their own state, and do not share data, we can avoid using mutual exclusion/mutex or any locking mechanism.
  • The state data is stored in memory, so they are fast for retrieval and mutation. However, there could be a durability issue. You can address this by persisting the state in a data store.

© Fadhil Yaacob 2025

Understanding Actor Model for Node developer